While we provide a simple feedback widget that can be embedded on your website, we understand some users might want a custom flow. If you decide to go ahead and build out a custom flow, you need to send the feedback data to Fotion manually. This can be done via an API call.


The API endpoint to hit is https://api.usefotion.app/ingest/{YOUR_WIDGET_ID} where YOUR_WIDGET_ID can be gotten from your dashboard.

  "base64_image" : "image in base64 format",
  "content" : "Whatever custom feedback content",
  "feedback_type" : "issue | others | idea",
  "email" : "optional"

If you are building a custom flow and want to use a url instead, please email [email protected]

Pseudo code in Javascript

const submit = (reference: string, email: string) => {

  axios.post<{ message: string, status: boolean }>(
    `https://api.usefotion.app/ingest/${reference}`, {
    content: stateFeedbackContent.value,
    feedback_type: stateFeedbackType.value,
    base64_image: stateScreenshotImg.value
  }, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
  }).then((res: AxiosResponse<{ message: string, status: boolean }>) => {

    if (!res.data.status) {

    // succcess

  }).finally(() => {
  }).catch(() => {